Science Treasure Hunt

Welcome to the tri-County Tropical fish Society Peoria Academy of Science treasure hunt page. 

Please visit to complete the hunt out code is Fish21

Fish are believed to communicate with each other for different reasons, including attracting mates, scaring off predators or orienting themselves. 

Although they don't have vocal chords like humans, they can moan, grunt, or croak. they make these noises with other body parts, like rubbing their muscles against their bladder.

While tropical fish are generally easy to keep, there are several things that you have to pay close attention to to have a very successful adventure with Tropical fish. 

While tropical fish are generally easy to keep, there are several things that you have to pay close attention to to have a very successful adventure with Tropical fish. 

While people that Keep tropical fish are called several different names what is a person that studies fish called? 

A. An ichthyologist

B. aquarists

C. ichthyophile